James Sutherland-Smith
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Here are the links to other poets, creative writing educators and the publishers who have published me since 1979. You can explore their sites where there is an immense range of original contemporary poetry, rediscoveries of neglected poets, translation of poets into English, literary criticism, creative writing ideas and much more.

Franz Andres Morrissey

Franz's genuinely original web-site is for teachers of creative writing in any discipline, a practical polemic for humanising university teaching and it's also useful for the practising writer

Andy Brown

Go and see what the charismatic Andy Brown is doing now!

Norm Sibum's website

A great American poet. If he'd lived in late republican Rome someone would have assassinated him out of jealousy.



Britain's leading poetry publisher of contemporary poetry in the English language

Arc Publications

One of the best small publishers of poetry in Britain

The Many Press

The best small publisher of modernist poetry in the 1970's and 1980's

Magma Poetry

An excellent poetry magazine which is just entering its second decade of lively existence

The Bow-Wow Shop

Michael Glover's on-line poetry magazine is turning out to be a brilliant poetry magazine with good poems, serious discussion, excellent reviews, some attractive visuals, gossip and humour.

Ink, Sweat and Tears

Lively e-zine of very new and very good poetry, short fiction and criticism

Peony Moon

Michelle McGrane's excellent poetry blog, which is really an ever-expanding anthology of what's new


One of the best poetry e-zines around

Shearsman Books

A remarkable wide range of poetry in the English language. Shearsman Books connects mainstream contemporary poetry with more adventurous poets who explore different ways of practising the art. Everybody should buy at least a couple of Shearsman books every year.


I first published in Stand in 1973 and am still publishing in a magazine founded by a great and unique poet, Jon Silkin. It is now sustained by Elaine and Jon Glover. There are always poems, fiction and other other prose that I want to read over and over again.


A magazine whose editors have an open-minded approach to style and to poetry whose purpose is to sustain the language. Each issue is packed with poems and prose whose quality is remarkable.


PN Review

Britain's leading magazine of contemporary poetry and criticism

Visible Poets

The only series of translated contemporary poetry whose translators consistently attempt to retain the verbal character of the original

Reading Poetry

Reading in Brno 2014

This was recorded in Brno, Czechia, in July 2014 as part of the Month of Authors Reading Tour in Slovakia, Czechia and Poland

Poetry Quartet

This was recorded at Spissky Castle, Slovakia in June 2016 as part of the Poetry Quartet readings with Maria Ferencuhova, David Kinloch and Dana Podracka as the other poets

Echofluxx 19

Reading from "Mouth" and "The River and the Black Cat" at the Echofluxx festival in May 2019.

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